Three of the very most common Tea Tree Oil uses are Fungus removal, Skin Tag/Wart removal, and Acne. Below are some of the review from Radha Beauty Tea Tree Essential Oil customer regarding tea tree oil benefits.
Radha Beauty Tea Tree Essential Oil[Purchase]
Tea Tree Oil for Fungus
By ileanainbliss on August 3, 2015My husband's been suffering from a fungus on his right hand for years. A friend of us recommended him this oil. He explained to him how wonderful this oil was for many things, and one of those things was to cure fungus. I found it here on Amazon, and order for him.
The item arrived July 19, we were on a cruise and got back home from it on July 24. Immediately he began to use it, this product is amazing, for the first time we see real results on his hand. I'm sharing some pictures. As the saying goes. "A picture is worth a thousand words"
The first picture is from July 24, the last one is from July 30

By Richard295on July 2, 2016
I applied this to a thickened and discolored toenail that been fungus infected for over a year. In two weeks the toenail color returned to normal.
By Lawana Wallison June 30, 2016
My research led me to a recipe of essential oils for a "fungus" I guess you'd call it. I've seen results in just two days of using tea tree oil on my affected toes. This is a great product with fast service from the company.
Tea Tree Oil for Skin Tag/Wart
By Leticia on December 3, 2015Simply AMAZING! I just received this product TODAY. I bought it as an alternative to visiting a dermatologist to have a skin tag removed. Prior to purchasing this one I tried Tag Away with no results. In just one day there is a HUGE difference! See for yourself in the picture.

By IceOnFireon July 7, 2016
I've been using this to assist with removal of a couple of skin tags. 1 month later it helped with remove 2 of 4 skin tags. I've got a larger one I am battling. The oil is more effective if you put a band-aid over the applied area.
By Daniel R.on July 6, 2016
After reading all the negative reviews can't help but agree about the smell and watery feel to it. I recently tried a different brand of tea tree oil and it smells slightly different than this one. But one thing is for sure this oil helped me get rid of a wart that on my index finger next to the fingernail that has had me embarrassed about it for 20+years of my life after trying everything including useless cryogenic freezing. Though it did take about 6 months to get rid of it, you have to be consistent. For this, I give it 5 stars! Great product! Wish I had before and after pics.
All About Tea Tree Oil + My Favorite Uses for it! - YouTube
By Esther Sonon July 2, 2016
It actually works! I'm using it to remove a skin tag/wart (I honestly don't know what the hell it is. All I know is I didn't want that crap on me anymore.) and at first I thought it was getting worse after a few use. But I continued to use it because I'm impatient and have a tendency to give up on products quickly. Well, I'm glad I continued to use it! It's almost gone now! Woo hoo! Go away weird skin thingy!
By Sheryl Honsakeron June 29, 2016
The odor is strong, but it works...I had a wart on my leg that nothing else has come close to removing...It is nearly gone since using Radha Tea Tree Oil. Also having success with removal of skin tags & psoriasis....
Tea Tree Oil Uses - Benefits of Tea Tree Oil - YouTube
Tea Tree Oil for Acne
By Brittany Harrellon June 29, 2016Do you know how hard it is to find affordable tea tree oil? Almost impossible. All the drug stores sell Tea Tree Oil but you're lucky to get half an ounce for less than $20 and even then, it's mixed with all kinds of other chemicals.
I bought this because I have very oily and acne-prone skin and tea tree oil is one of the few things that helps clear up my acne without basically pouring acid on my skin. Yeah, it's that bad.
This is a fantastic, affordable option and, honestly, I feel like it works better than any other tea tree oil I've tried in the past. I don't know if it's the distillation process for what but it's been magic for my skin and I'll never go back.
FYI for people who are used to the regular OTC tea tree oil: it is very liquid-y rather than serum-y. You can't just put some on your fingers and rub it into your skin because it will make a huge mess and you'll end up not getting any on your face. I mix it with my moisturizer in the morning and with Radha's Aloe Vera Gel at night.
By Katelynon June 30, 2016
Really wish I would have taken before and after pictures!
This stuff is like a miracle in a bottle. I've struggled with breakouts for several years now. After a few short weeks, I haven't had a pimple in sight.
I wash my face morning and evening then with a cotton ball go over my face again. You can actual see the dirt this stuff gets out of your pores! Long time user for sure!
Also a great price! This bottle is about the size of a fist!
Radha Beauty Tea Tree Essential Oil[Purchase]
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